Sunday, February 21, 2010

What About My Nap??

So granted I could put down the computer and not blog but I wanted to share pics of the 2 snoozers. I really feel bad for Chris. He has come down with a bad case of allergies turned infection. So needless to say he has been keeping me up each night by his coughing. So when did I start functioning so well on multiple interruptions of sleep resulting in lack of sleep? Since Reece was born! Let me tell you motherhood is not for the weak. I think nursing Reece every 3 hours in the beginning and of course her not knowing her days from nights amounted to a mom who functions pretty darn well without sleep. Ask me how I'm doing around 9pm though and you'll get a different answer! Well my baby's awake and my time for blogging has come to an end!

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