Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Reece!

Gosh I don't even know where to begin! What a year! Was it what I expected? Yes and No and then some! What I realized during my 1st year as a mom is do what works for you! There is going to be a lot of judgement. I'll be honest I was one of those people. I always said I would never co-sleep and guess what? Reece was in our bed somewhere around the 8th month. I was at my wits end and I needed sleep and it worked. Then we moved her to her room like a big girl. Now she sleeps in a queen bed. I know someone out there reading this is judging. hehe What else?? Aaah...breastfeeding. If you don't do it people say stuff and if you do it-it's always you didn't do it long enough and if you're me you're still doing it! But besides the poop and the lack of sleep, I wouldn't change a thing. I have a little girl who is sociable, sweet, independent, and of course the most beautiful. I couldn't ask for a better daughter, husband, family, and friends. I am so lucky for all the support that I've had all year! I already feel like Reece is all grown up! Hehe. We have her appointment later so I will give you stats then. Oh did I mention Reece is sick on her birthday. I hope it clears up by tomorrow for her party! Really don't know what it is! My best guess is teething! Her top teeth are finally coming in!

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